Archive for June, 2012

Welcome to episode 77 of The Thrilling Adventures of Superman. The show’s mission is to explore the history and development of the Superman in his formative years by chronicling the Man of Steel’s Golden Age adventures in comics, radio and film.
We won’t bury the lede, folks. It’s a weird one this time. This episode, Michael looks at the 15th storyline from the Superman radio serial. The Daily Planet’s star reporter, Clark Kent, flies to Central America at the request of an explorer and on the hunt for a hot story. What results is thievery, plunder, looting and more! And when Superman’s done with that, he finally gets around to accidentally saving the day! Well, kind of. Confused? Just wait ’til you hear it for yourself.
“It won’t hurt you if you talk!”
Download the episode directly. Or, you can subscribe to the show via iTunes or the RSS feed! Questions or comments? Additions or corrections? Drop a line! Share your thoughts on the episode and the issue. You can connect with show on Facebook and Twitter, as well, to get updates!
The Thrilling Adventures of Superman is also a proud member of the Superman Podcast Network. And don’t forget to check out the Superman Homepage!

Welcome to episode nine of Green Lantern’s Light! Each episode, we look at the stories of Hal Jordan, John Stewart, Guy Gardner and the entire Green Lantern Corps, beginning with GREEN LANTERN #172 from 1983, hosted by Michael Bradley, Jeffrey Taylor and J. David Weter.
Buckle in, folks, because the countdown to the end begins here. This episode, the guys look at GREEN LANTERN (Vol. 2) #193, 194 and 195 which wrap up the Star Sapphire story and then sends the Green Lanterns plunging head first into the epic Crisis on Infinite Earths! Plus: Guy Gardner! Uh-oh.
And be sure not to miss our Who’s Who section as Green Lantern-related profiles from issues of WHO’S WHO IN THE DC UNIVERSE are posted. These profiles will help you get up-to-speed on Green Lantern’s friends and fiends!
Next time, Guy knuckles in to his new role — just in time for the Crisis to continue — when we look at GREEN LANTERN (Vol. 2) #196, 197 and 198!
Download the episode directly or subscribe to the show via iTunes or the RSS feed! Questions or comments or other feedback? Send us an email! Seriously, we want to know your thoughts. You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter to interact with us as well!