Archive for August, 2012

Welcome to episode 83 of The Thrilling Adventures of Superman. The show’s mission is to explore the history and development of the Superman in his formative years by chronicling the Man of Steel’s Golden Age adventures in comics, radio and film.
It’s a special time for fans of Superman. And in this, the latest of the show’s fifth week installments, Michael pauses to cautiously celebrate, as he offers some thoughts on the recently released teasers for “Man of Steel” — and some thoughts on the movie as a whole.
“I just really, really hope that I’ve done everything that I need to do to please you guys, because this is entirely, 100 percent, for you.”
–Henry Cavill
Links mentioned in the episode:
– Teaser #1, with voice-over by Kevin Costner as Jonathan Kent
– Teaser #2, with voice-over by Russell Crowe as Jor-El
– San Diego Comic-Con 2012 ‘Man of Steel’ panel, a Q&A with ‘Man of Steel’ director Zack Snyder and star Henry Cavill (footage courtesy of the Superman Homepage)
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The Thrilling Adventures of Superman is also a proud member of the Superman Podcast Network. And don’t forget to check out the Superman Homepage!