Archive for the ‘The Thrilling Adventures of Superman’ Category

September 16th, 2011  Posted at   The Thrilling Adventures of Superman

The Thrilling Adventures of Superman

Welcome to episode 35 of The Thrilling Adventures of Superman. The show’s mission is to explore the history and development of the Superman in his formative years by chronicling the Man of Steel’s Golden Age adventures in comics, radio and film.

Everything you know will change in a flash… and someone’s getting punched in the face! It is no secret the comics industry is facing changes on a number of fronts. They breed debate, talk and many cross words. But at the end of the day, the number one thing they breed is a whole of insane behavior from normally level-headed folks. This episode, in our third Fifth Week installment, Michael wades into the den of changes and reminds that we are all in this together.

And don’t forget: For the month of September, the show is bi-weekly! Check back on Tuesdays and Fridays for more Superman awesomeness for your ears!

Remember why you like these characters and stories. No matter how much things change from this point forward… they can never take that away you

With friends like these...


Download the episode directly. Or, you can subscribe to the show via iTunes or the RSS feed! Questions or comments? Additions or corrections? Drop a line! Share your thoughts on the episode and the issue. You can connect with show on Facebook and Twitter, as well, to get updates!

The Thrilling Adventures of Superman is also a proud member of the Superman Podcast Network. And don’t forget to check out the Superman Homepage!

September 13th, 2011  Posted at   The Thrilling Adventures of Superman

The Thrilling Adventures of Superman

Welcome to episode 34 of The Thrilling Adventures of Superman. The show’s mission is to explore the history and development of the Superman in his formative years by chronicling the Man of Steel’s Golden Age adventures in comics, radio and film.

We return once more to the Sunday continuity of the Superman newspaper strip, as Michael looks at the second, six-strip storyline. It is a marked improvement over the first as Superman squares off against Lois Lane, a mad scientist, flamethrowers, hypnotized men and more in this Golden Age classic!

Also check out the awesome Superman bubblegum cards scans passed along by listener Steve Rogers.

And don’t forget: For the month of September, the show is bi-weekly! Check back on Tuesdays and Fridays for more Superman awesomeness for your ears!

Perhaps I can change his attitude!

An excellent panel

Rajek get a free pass...

The evil Dr. Grout!

Byrne-- er, BURN, baby, burn.

Download the episode directly. Or, you can subscribe to the show via iTunes or the RSS feed! Questions or comments? Additions or corrections? Drop a line! Share your thoughts on the episode and the issue. You can connect with show on Facebook and Twitter, as well, to get updates!

The Thrilling Adventures of Superman is also a proud member of the Superman Podcast Network. And don’t forget to check out the Superman Homepage!

September 9th, 2011  Posted at   The Thrilling Adventures of Superman

The Thrilling Adventures of Superman

Welcome to episode 33 of The Thrilling Adventures of Superman. The show’s mission is to explore the history and development of the Superman in his formative years by chronicling the Man of Steel’s Golden Age adventures in comics, radio and film.

This episode it’s back to the spinner rack as Michael looks at the Superman story from ACTION COMICS #22, which finds Clark Kent and Lois Lane thrust into a war between neighboring European countries. But after strange happenings both on land and sea, it becomes apparent that there is something more sinister behind it all, meaning that this… is a job for Superman!

And don’t forget: For the month of September, the show is bi-weekly! Check back on Tuesdays and Fridays for more Superman awesomeness for your ears!

If that gal’s on the up-and-up, I miss my guess!
Clark Kent

The cover of ACTION COMICS #22 by Joe Shuster and Paul Cassidy.

Clark mocks Lois.


Toran... Galonia... Luxor... and...

Links mentioned in the episode:
From Yellow to Red: A Daredevil Podcast, hosted by Tyler Crone and Johnny Freiberg
The Matt Murdock Chronicles, a blog looking at Daredevil issue by issue

Download the episode directly. Or, you can subscribe to the show via iTunes or the RSS feed! Questions or comments? Additions or corrections? Drop a line! Share your thoughts on the episode and the issue. You can connect with show on Facebook and Twitter, as well, to get updates!

The Thrilling Adventures of Superman is also a proud member of the Superman Podcast Network. And don’t forget to check out the Superman Homepage!

September 6th, 2011  Posted at   The Thrilling Adventures of Superman

The Thrilling Adventures of Superman

Welcome to episode 32 of The Thrilling Adventures of Superman. The show’s mission is to explore the history and development of the Superman in his formative years by chronicling the Man of Steel’s Golden Age adventures in comics, radio and film.

This episode, Michael looks at the tenth storyline from the Superman daily newspaper strip. A mysterious telegram leads Superman into an adventure where he must save a town from a destroyed dam, then deal with a thickening plot and a poisoned reservoir! The 18-strip story kicks off a trilogy which finds Superman dealing with ramifications from a war in Europe! Parts two and three will be covered in future episodes. But also in this episode, we wind up 1939 with our first glimpse at the Superman radio show!

And don’t forget: For the month of September, the show is bi-weekly! Check back on Tuesdays and Fridays for more Superman awesomeness for your ears!

My guess was right! These men are responsible for the disaster. Well, here’s where they get a taste of disaster!

An ominous telegram


Digging the trench

Soothing the savage beast

Intertitles for this story:
– Unconfirmed News
– It’s a Game
– All’s Well, But —
– An Unexpected Interruption
– Too Late!
– All Wet
– A Fantastic Race
– A Voice From the Mountain
– Flight!
– He Stems the Flood
– No Thanks Necessary
– Fifteen Minutes to Go!
– Superman’s Guess Confirmed.
– Stubborn Opposition
– Look Out, Blackie!
– A Canine Martyr
(Strip 295 does not have an intertitle in the reprints. Not all papers ran the intertitles and the source for this strips was one that did not.)

Links mentioned in the episode:
Newspaper dailies at

Download the episode directly. Or, you can subscribe to the show via iTunes or the RSS feed! Questions or comments? Additions or corrections? Drop a line! Share your thoughts on the episode and the issue. You can connect with show on Facebook and Twitter, as well, to get updates!

The Thrilling Adventures of Superman is also a proud member of the Superman Podcast Network. And don’t forget to check out the Superman Homepage!

August 30th, 2011  Posted at   The Thrilling Adventures of Superman

The Thrilling Adventures of Superman

Welcome to episode 31 of The Thrilling Adventures of Superman. The show’s mission is to explore the history and development of the Superman in his formative years by chronicling the Man of Steel’s Golden Age adventures in comics, radio and film.

When destruction reigns in Metropolis and a scientist goes missing, Superman takes a hand (eventually) as Michael looks at the Superman story from ACTION COMICS #21. The issues sees Superman taking on the disasters, robots, the National Guard and more in a story that lets us bid farewell to Superman’s most-frequent and nefarious foe, the Ultra-Humanite.

I’ve got to halt that madwoman!

The cover to ACTION COMICS #21 by Joe Shuster and Paul Cassidy

Superman vs. robots!

No choice!

Just forget about it!

Download the episode directly. Or, you can subscribe to the show via iTunes or the RSS feed! Questions or comments? Additions or corrections? Drop a line! Share your thoughts on the episode and the issue. You can connect with show on Facebook and Twitter, as well, to get updates!

The Thrilling Adventures of Superman is also a proud member of the Superman Podcast Network. And don’t forget to check out the Superman Homepage!