Graphic designer Adam Thompson put this piece together as part of his “Heroic Words of Wisdom” series, which also features posters containing quotes of heroes such as Batman, the Flash and Green Lantern.
While I’m not sure of the source of the art, it is ostensibly at least modeled after the style of Jim Lee. The quote, however, comes from ACTION COMICS #775, written by Joe Kelly.

Despite all the changes the character has gone through in his more than 75 years of existence … to me, the quote is a firm baseline of Superman’s core. Whether he be the champion of the oppressed from the ’30s and ’40s, maintainer of the status quo from the ’50s and ’60s, the universally revered legend of the ’70s and ’80s or the lonesome, introspective hero of the modern day … Superman, with every fiber of his being stands for dignity, honor and justice — or in the vernacular: Truth, Justice and the American Way.
Thompson has never done any comic book work (at least according to the Grand Comics Database), but you can check out more of his work at his Behance portfolio site.