A few years ago, I launched this blog as a tribute to the works of Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster and as a way to shine a light on lesser-known parts of their careers. Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond my control, life happened, and I found a shortage of time to make the site what I wanted it to be. This lead me to make the difficult decision to let the site remain dormant, rather than produce content I felt was sub-par.
Flash forward to today, and I would like to invite you all to join me over on Twitter, where I am a more active these days. There, I have been sharing information about Jerry and Joe’s work, and I share other links, retweets, news and goodness as it comes. While it isn’t quite bringing back the site, it is a way to continue to celebrate Jerry’s and Joe’s legacies, albeit in a form that is more easily digestible, producible and shareable.
This site will remain online, not only for the archives but for some longer-form posts as time allows and inspiration strikes. Likewise, the Facebook page still exists, but since the platforms no longer allow automated cross-posting, Twitter is where its at right now.
So, come on to Twitter over, give it follow and join the conversation, won’t you? Hope to see you there.