Random Panel #18

Random Panel #18

The story from which this panel originates introduces the character of Dev-Em, who would become a recurring character in Legion of Super-Heroes stories through the reboot the Bronze Age. Post-Crisis and beyond, the character’s name has carried on, though with varied backgrounds and origins caused by subsequent reboots.

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Superman in the Bronze Age, episode 68

Superman in the Bronze Age is a podcast hosted by Charlie Niemeyer looking at … well, Superman in the Bronze Age! The show launched in 2010 originally doing an issue-by-issue look at the Man of Steel’s adventures through that period. Since, Charlie has shifted gears to a more “hodge-podge” format, highlighting the best and greatest stories from that period.

Now, I know what you’re thinking. Both Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster were all but through with their creative contributions to comics at that time — and certainly neither wrote or illustrated any stories for DC. So how can a show about Superman in the Bronze Age be of interest to Siegel and Shuster fans?

Well, in episode 68, Charlie looks at “The Man Who Created Superman.”

Superman in the Bronze Age, episode 68

The story features Superman’s encounter with Joseph J. Jerome, the world’s greatest storyteller. Saying more would be giving away the story, but if the name isn’t obvious, the character is a clear send-up to the men themselves: Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster.

It is a notable story given that it was published more than six months before Siegel, Shuster and the company came to (somewhat amicable) terms, and a full year before their creator credits were restored to Superman comics. A closer examination of the story might be done here in the future. But for now, go give a listen to Charlie’s take on the story!

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Superman Fan Podcast, episode 258

Delays are inevitable in podcasting. But the best podcasters can make those delays work for them. Such is the case with Billy Hogan and episode 258 and his show, the Superman Fan Podcast.

Superman Fan Podcast, episode 258

When his original plans for the episode fell through, Billy regrouped and decided to turn the entire episode into a celebration of Jerry Siegel’s contributions to the Legion of Super-Heroes!

As detailed at greater length in the episode, while Siegel didn’t create the concept of the Legion of Super-Heroes, or even write the first story in which they appeared, he is responsible for many long-standing contributions to the team, including the characters of Ultra-Boy, Brainiac 5, Bouncing Boy and more. Siegel also played a hand in the off-shoot teams of the Legion of Super-Pets and the Legion of Super-Villains.

After the overview, Billy digs in, looking at two Legion of Super-Heroes stories written by Siegel. First up is “Prisoner of the Super-Heroes!” from ADVENTURE COMICS #267, which is a Superboy story featuring Siegel’s first use of Legion characters (and is Legion’s second appearance, coming roughly a year and a half after their debut in issue #247).

He then turns his attention to “Computo the Conqueror” from ADVENTURE COMICS #340. In the episode, Billy calls this Siegel’s final Legion story. However, Siegel is also thought by many to have written “Colossal Boy’s One Man War” from the next issue. (Some sources credit Edmond Hamilton for this story, but I agree with the Siegel assessment, given that the story continues from Siegel’s tale in issue #340.)

Regardless, the episode is a great retrospective of Siegel’s contribution to DC’s heroes of the future and a must-listen for Siegel fans!

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Random Panel #17

Random Panel #17

While not the first appearance of Superbaby, or even Jerry Siegel’s first use of the character, this panel from the story did inspire the issue’s cover, which is among Superbaby’s earliest (rare) cover appearances.

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Hey Kids, Comics!, volume 2, episode 6

Superman turns 75 this year, and celebrations of the Man of Steel’s anniversary are already in full swing.

One podcast celebrating Superman’s seven-and-a-half centuries is Hey Kids, Comics! The show, hosted by father and son duo Andrew and Micheal Leyland, launched in early 2011, looking at comics from all corners of the genre. Not only is the show a consistently enjoyable listen, it is unique in that it presents a multi-generational look at classic comic book stories both new and old.

In the most-recent episode, the Leylands kicked off part one of their newest series, “Happy Birthday, Superman!”.

Hey Kids, Comics!, vol. 2, episode 6

As this is the first episode of their anniversary celebration, the Leylands kick things off in style by looking at a set of stories all written by Jerry Siegel himself — a couple of which were also illustrated by Joe Shuster!

First up is a look at the first half of the historic SUPERMAN #1. Written by Siegel and illustrated by Shuster, these stories were published originally in ACTION COMICS #1 and #2 and tell Superman’s first published adventures as he frees someone wrongly accused a murder, brings the true killer to justice, then stops a case of spousal abuse, before taking on corrupt politicians, munitions manufacturer and international war. It’s Superman in his purest form… by the men that dreamed him up.

The guys then take a look at the Superman story from ACTION COMICS #3, a tale since titled “The Blakely Mine Disaster, and again brought to you by Siegel and Shuster.

They then move on to ACTION COMICS #23, which features Superman’s first encounter with a maniacal scientist known only as… Luthor. Join Siegel and Shuster (with a little help from Paul Cassidy on inks) as they introduce “the greatest criminal mind of our time!”

And finally, the guys close out the episode with a look at the classic “Superman, Matinee Idol” from SUPERMAN #19. In it, Siegel and Shuster (with a little help from Ed Dobrotka and John Sikela) tell a tale of Clark Kent and Lois Lane going on a date to see a feature — which just happens to be the secret-identity-revealing Fleischer Bros. Superman cartoon!

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