Random Panel #16

Random Panel #16

And, thus, an alliance is born, when Red Dugan, Whitey Smith and Blooey Blue complete their first adventure.

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We owe it all

We owe it all to Jerry (Siegel) and Joe (Shuster).

Jon Bogdanove
SOURCE: UKCAC (United Kingdom Comic Art Convention) program, 1992
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Random Panel #15

Random Panel #15

Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, both at their ’30s-noir best, team up for this story from NEW ADVENTURE COMICS #31 — the final issue of the magazine before it dropped the ‘NEW’ becoming simply ADVENTURE COMICS, a title it would retain until its cancellation in 1983.

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Superman Fan Podcast, episode 255

Billy Hogan has returned with episode 255, of the Superman Fan Podcast.

Superman Fan Podcast, episode 255

This episode, Billy looks at two Jerry Siegel-written tales.

First up from SUPERMAN #148 is the 8-page “Mr. Mxyzptlk’s Super-Mischief!,” which was also featured on the Curt Swan-Stan Kaye cover. In the story, the michievous imp from the Fifth Dimension returns (has it been 90 days already?) to once again menace the Man of Steel.

Meanwhile, in ACTION COMICS #281, Billy looks at the 12-page Supergirl story, “The Secret of the Time-Barrier!,” which continues Siegel’s epic Supergirl saga. The Maid of Might has been left powerless due to the machinations of Lesla Lar — but now, Supergirl’s powers return … or do they?

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Random Panel #14

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