The Big S: A Superman Site  

Great Krypton!

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You wanted my story, 'The Gospel of Lex,' and now you have it. There's no deep psychology behind the struggle between Superman and me. It's all very simple. How would you feel if someone deliberately stood in your way, over and over again? If it wasn't for Superman, I'd be in charge on this planet! And now he's dying. What more could I want?

Lex Luthor
All-Star Superman #5


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Superman, the S-shield and all related elements are TM and © of DC Comics, Joanne Siegel and Laura Siegel Larson. This web site, its operators and authors, and any content related to Superman are not authorized by DC Comics or the Siegels. Use of these trademarked and copyrighted properties is not intended to challenge said ownership. All original material published on The Big Red S: A Superman Site including but not limited to fan art, fan fiction, reviews, synopses, interviews and annotations, are © by their respective authors and The Big Red S: A Superman Site. Re-publication in print or on the Web is strictly forbidden without the consent of the author. Superman created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster.