Posts Tagged ‘Action Comics Annual’

I had an idea in late December to keep track of what comics I read throughout the year, because I’m curious exactly how many books I read in a year’s time. To that end, I will be posting here, on a monthly basis, lists of what I’ve read in the preceding month. I will include any comics I’ve read, whether single issue or collection, and regardless of whether it is a first-read or a re-read. The only thing I won’t be including is those books I use for preparation for the podcast, since that is normally separate from my regular reading.
Here’s January:
Action Comics #895
Action Comics Annual #13
Adventure Comics #520-521
All New Batman: Brave and the Bold #1-2
Brightest Day #13-16
Flash (Vol. 3) #6-7
Green Lantern (Vol. 4) #59-60
Green Lantern Corps (Vol. 2) #54-55
Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors #4-5
Justice League of America/The 99 #2
R.E.B.E.L.S. #22-23
Steel #9-17
Superboy (Vol. 3) #9-17
Superboy (Vol. 4) #1
Supergirl (Vol. 5) #58-59
Superman #705-706
Superman/Batman #78-79
Time Masters: Vanishing Point #5
Tiny Titans #34
Tiny Titans/Little Archie #2-3
Superman Chronicles Vol. 6 trade paperback
Total: 50 comics, 1 trade
I also started reading the BATMAN CHRONICLES Vol. 3 trade paperback just yesterday. I got a bit behind on my reading over the holidays, which accounts for why there are, essentially, two month’s worth of new comics on the list this time.
I enjoy reading handfuls of older material in between the new stuff to help keep perspective. Plus, since I’m reading less new books these days, something’s got to fill the gaps! The STEEL and SUPERBOY (Vol. 3) issues are part of a mega re-read project I embarked on in December. I am reading (re-reading) the series in chronological order and the project that will eventually include SUPERGIRL (Vol. 4) and YOUNG JUSTICE as well. It has been interesting comparing the development and progression of these two series that both spun off from the same event.