Posts Tagged ‘Eradicator’

I was guest-host on episode 46 of Just One of the Guys: A Green Lantern Podcast, co-hosted by Shawn Engel. In the episode, we discuss GREEN LANTERN (Vol. 3) #46, which ties in with “The Reign of the Supermen” from the Superman books, as well as JUSTICE LEAGUE AMERICA #83 and GUY GARDNER #15.
I had a lot of fun and Shawn produces and excellent show, so be sure to check all the back episodes, as well.
And thanks again to Shawn for having me on the show!

Inspired by many sites, including Rob Kelly’s fantastic Aquaman Shrine and the now mostly-defunct Daily Superman and Daily Batman, I’m unveiling a new feature: Super-Random Super-Panel!
Each Sunday and Wednesday, possibly more often if the mood hits, I will post a random Superman-related comic book panel. Prepare for awesomeness and awkwardness, heroism and hilarity — all in out-of-context, yet easy-to-swallow, form.