Welcome to episode 13 of Green Lantern’s Light! Each episode, we look at the stories of Hal Jordan, John Stewart, Guy Gardner and the entire Green Lantern Corps, beginning with GREEN LANTERN #172 from 1983, hosted by Michael Bradley, Jeffrey Taylor and J. David Weter.
Michael, Jeffrey and David are joined by fellow Green Lantern fan and podcaster Shawn Engel for a look at GREEN LANTERN #204, GREEN LANTERN #205, GREEN LANTERN CORPS (yes, we said CORPS) #206 and, last but not least, SECRET ORIGINS #7… with the secret origin of the one-and-only Guy Gardner! Join us for geekery and Guy love as Green Lantern is menaced by Black Hand, Kilowog gets his Ike Turner on and Arisia reveals some startling developments!
Thanks again to Shawn for coming on the show. It was a lot of fun and he is welcome back any time. Hear Shawn weekly on his excellent Green Lantern podcast, Just One of the Guys! You can also catch him regularly on Walking Dead Wednesday and The Vault of Startling Monster Horror Tales of Terror at Two True Freaks.
And be sure not to miss our Who’s Who section as Green Lantern-related profiles from issues of WHO’S WHO IN THE DC UNIVERSE are posted. These profiles will help you get up-to-speed on Green Lantern’s friends and fiends!
Next time, a look at GREEN LANTERN CORPS #207, 208 and 209… plus, an annual!
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