Posts Tagged ‘Green Lantern’
September 16th, 2012 Posted at Super-Random Super-Panel
Aquaman, Atom, Batman, Black Canary, Bronze Age, Dick Dillin, Elongated Man, Flash, Frank McLaughlin, Green Arrow, Green Lantern, Hawkgirl, Hawkman, Justice League of America, Justice League of America (comic), Phantom Stranger, Privateer, Red Tornado, Steve Englehart, Superman, Wonder Woman

August 22nd, 2012 Posted at Super-Random Super-Panel
Batman, Black Canary, Bronze Age, Curt Swan, Elliot S! Maggin, Elongated Man, Flash, Green Lantern, Supergirl, Superman, Superman Family, Vince Colletta
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December 16th, 2011 Posted at News of Interest
Action Comics, Billy Anders, Bronze Age, Captain Strong, Carol Ferris, Cary Bates, Clark Kent, Curt Swan, Green Lantern, Hal Jordan, Julius Schwartz, Lois Lane, Murphy Anderson, Podcast, Star Sapphire, Superman, Superman (comic)
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I was guest-host on episode 37 of Superman in the Bronze Age, co-hosted by Charlie Niemeyer and J. David Weter. In the episode, we discuss Superman comics from February 1973, which included SUPERMAN #261 and ACTION COMICS #421.
I had a lot of fun with the guys and they put out a great show, so be sure to check all the back episodes, as well.
And thanks again to Charlie and David for having me on the show!