Welcome to episode 15 of Green Lantern’s Light! Each episode, we look at the stories of Hal Jordan, John Stewart, Guy Gardner and the entire Green Lantern Corps, beginning with GREEN LANTERN #172 from 1983, hosted by Michael Bradley, Jeffrey Taylor and J. David Weter.
The guys are joined by Charlie Niemeyer for a look at GREEN LANTERN CORPS #201, 211 and #212 as the Green Lanterns’ Russian adventure comes to a fatal end, before their attention is turned to a new fight as their fiercest foes return — and the end is explosive! Also this episode, the guys conclude their brief look at LEGENDS, which leads into a whole new era for Guy Gardner in JUSTICE LEAGUE #1!
Thanks again to Charlie for coming on the show. It was a lot of fun and he is welcome back any time. Hear Charlie bi-weekly on his excellent Superman podcast, Superman in the Bronze Age. And don’t miss out on his newest podcast, Charlie’s Geek Cast!
And be sure not to miss our Who’s Who section as Green Lantern-related profiles from issues of WHO’S WHO IN THE DC UNIVERSE are posted. These profiles will help you get up-to-speed on Green Lantern’s friends and fiends!
Next time, we’re joined by a special guest for a look at GREEN LANTERN CORPS #213, 214 and 215, GREEN LANTERN CORPS ANNUAL #3, and JUSTICE LEAGUE #2, 3 and 4! Phew!
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