Posts Tagged ‘Murphy Anderson’

I was guest-host on episode 37 of Superman in the Bronze Age, co-hosted by Charlie Niemeyer and J. David Weter. In the episode, we discuss Superman comics from February 1973, which included SUPERMAN #261 and ACTION COMICS #421.
I had a lot of fun with the guys and they put out a great show, so be sure to check all the back episodes, as well.
And thanks again to Charlie and David for having me on the show!

Welcome to the debut episode of Green Lantern’s Light! Each episode, we look at the stories of Hal Jordan, John Stewart, Guy Gardner and the entire Green Lantern Corps, beginning with GREEN LANTERN #172 from 1983, hosted by Michael Bradley, Jeffrey Taylor and J. David Weter.
This episode, we kick things off with an introduction to the show, ourselves and, of course, Green Lantern! As a quick primer before the main event begins, we’ve selected three stories to catch you up to speed on the mythology of the Green Lantern Corps. First up is “The Planet of Doomed Men” from GREEN LANTERN (Vol. 2) #1, which recounts Hal’s origin and introduces the Guardians. That’s followed by “The Day 100,000 People Vanished” from GREEN LANTERN (Vol. 2) #7 giving us our first look at the dastardly Sinestro! And, finally, we wrap things up with “Beware My Power” from GREEN LANTERN (Vol. 2) #87, introducing John Stewart!
Next episode, we start our regular coverage with a look at GREEN LANTERN (Vol. 2) #172, 173 and 174!
Download the episode directly or subscribe to the show via iTunes or the RSS feed! Questions or comments or other feedback? Send us an email! Seriously, we want to know your thoughts. You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter to interact with us as well!

I was guest-host on episode 14 of Charlie Niemeyer’s Superman in the Bronze Age podcast. In the episode, we discuss Superman comics from October 1971, which included SUPERMAN #243 and ACTION COMICS #405 (not to mention just one or two tangents!).
I had a lot of fun recording with Charlie, so be sure to check out not just that episode — but all of Charlie’s back episodes, as well.
And thanks again, Charlie, for having me on the show!