Posts Tagged ‘Superman (comic)’

June 7th, 2011  Posted at   The Thrilling Adventures of Superman

The Thrilling Adventures of Superman

Welcome to episode 20 of The Thrilling Adventures of Superman. The show’s mission is to explore the history and development of the Superman in his formative years by chronicling the Man of Steel’s Golden Age adventures in comics, radio and film.

The show returns in grand style as Michael is joined by Michael Kaiser of “Legends of the Batman” and “The Mighty Shield: A Captain America Podcast” for an epic look at not one, not two, but three sensational issues!

The adventures begin with ACTION COMICS #13 where Superman unravels the mystery of a taxi cab racket and finds something — or someone — far more sinister is behind it: The wheelchair-bound madman known as the Ultra-Humanite! They then move on to the historic SUPERMAN #1, which unveils never-before-told details about Superman’s origin, his first prose story, our hero’s very own fan club and more! They then wrap things up with ACTION COMICS #14, where Superman investigates a suspicious subway collapse and faces off against a strangely familiar foe with a thirst for world domination!

And be sure to check out Michael Kaiser’s other podcasts, The Mighty Shield: A Captain America Podcast, co-hosted with Jon M. Wilson, and Legends of the Batman, co-hosted with Michael Bradley, who you hear in each and every episode of this show! And a huge thanks once more to Mr. Kaiser for coming on the show.

So we meet at last, eh? It was inevitable that we should clash!
The Ultra-Humanite

The cover to ACTION COMICS #13 by Joe Shuster

Crushing the gun: A Superman staple

Smash those cars!

Superman vs. buzz saw

The cover to SUPERMAN #1 by Joe Shuster

The Kents

Superman warns against... vigilante justice? There be irony ahead.

The cover to ACTION COMICS #14 by Fred Guardineer


"Good for you 'Ultra'!"

Good question, chief!

Links mentioned in the episode:
The cover to LEGENDS OF THE DC UNIVERSE #2 was painted by Glen Orbik in homage to the cover of ACTION COMICS #13. Though not mentioned in the episode, the cover was also paid homage to by Stuart Immonen in interior artwork to SUPERMAN: SECRET IDENTITY #1. It was an image used on the cover a book given to Clark.
– Much of the material from SUPERMAN #1, covered this episode, was reprinted from ACTION COMICS #1-4. That material was covered in episodes one, two, three and four of the show, so is only touched on in this episode.

Download the episode directly. Or, you can subscribe to the show via iTunes or the RSS feed! You can connect with show on Facebook, as well, to get updates! The Thrilling Adventures of Superman is also a proud member of the Superman Podcast Network.

Questions or comments? Additions or corrections? Drop a line! Share your thoughts on the episode and the issue.

May 1st, 2011  Posted at   The Stack

This was simply not a good month for reading comics. Just when you start to make a little progress

Here’s April:

Adventure Comics #524
All New Batman: Brave and the Bold #5
Brightest Day #20-21
Giant-Size Atom #1
Green Lantern (Vol. 4) #63
Justice League of America/The 99 #5
R.E.B.E.L.S. #26
Superboy (Vol. 3) #26-29
Superman #709
Steel #26-28
Supergirl Annual #1
Tiny Titans #37
Young Justice (Vol. 2) #2
Diana Prince: Wonder Woman Vol. 3-4 trade paperbacks

Total: 19 comics, 2 trades (Year total: 125 comics, 6 trades)

On the bright side, I finished out the DIANA PRINCE: WONDER WOMAN volumes. That was kind of an anti-climactic ending to a “new” Wonder Woman, wasn’t it? I did enjoy the four volumes, though, even though each successive volume got worse.

Now that those volumes are out of the way, I’ve moved on to the next book in the stack, which is BATMAN CHRONICLES volume four. After I get through with it, I’ll probably pull all the BATMAN CHRONICLES volumes out of the reading stack. Since Michael Kaiser and I are now doing the Batman podcast, we’ll be getting to the stories reprinted in the Chronicles series really soon, so I’d rather look at them from a fresher perspective.

On the reading project front, you’ll notice I read the SUPERGIRL ANNUAL from 1996! So even though I didn’t quite get to the SUPERGIRL series proper… or SUPERBOY AND THE RAVERS… or the ERADICATOR… they’re inching towards the top. And, even though I’ve said this three times in a row now, I should start on them this coming month. Hopefully. Heh.

I’ve also decided I’m dropping ADVENTURE COMICS at the next jumping-off point. The Legion of Super-Heroes, while I like the concept, doesn’t seem to hold my attention unless Superboy (or another character from The Family) is involved. And this “training squad” of the Legion holds it even less. I’ve only stuck with it this long because it was said the title would tie into “Flashpoint.” That doesn’t seem to be the case now and since I’m not reading “Flashpoint” anyway, why stick around?

Dropping that (along with BRIGHTEST DAY ending and the cancellation of R.E.B.E.L.S.) will bring my list down to 10 titles. I’m waiting to see where what direction the Green Lantern titles take after “War of the Green Lanterns.” If those books don’t pick up, that will mean three more titles trimmed.

April 1st, 2011  Posted at   The Stack

Well, March was a little better than February, but I’m still not back up to reading what I was. Too many other things taking up my time lately, it seems.

Here’s March:

Action Comics #897-898
Adventure Comics #523
All New Batman: Brave and the Bold #4
Brightest Day #19-20
Fallen Angel: Return of the Son #2
Flash (Vol. 3) #9
Green Lantern (Vol. 4) #62
Green Lantern Corps (Vol. 2) #57
Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors #7
Justice League of America/The 99 #4
R.E.B.E.L.S. #25
Steel #21-25
Superboy (Vol. 3) #21-25
Supergirl (Vol. 5) #61
Superman #708
Superman 80-Page Giant 2011
Superman/Batman #81
Time Masters: Vanishing Point #6
Tiny Titans #37
Young Justice (Vol. 2) #1
Batman Chronicles Vol. 3 trade paperback
Diana Prince: Wonder Woman Vol. 1-2 trade paperbacks

Total: 30 comics, 3 trades (Year total: 106 comics, 4 trades)

In March, I also started on the third DIANA PRINCE: WONDER WOMAN volume, so I’ll very likely finish it and the fourth volume in the coming month. These are interesting reads — very much products of their times. I’m enjoying them, but they’re a bit of a nag because they have the same “problem” I find with a lot of Bronze Age DC Comics. And that “problem” is that they’re doing a lot of revving the engine, but not quite willing, yet, to put the pedal to the floor. They’re trying to be more socially relevant and turn things on their ear, but still hesitating slightly. Still, I’m enjoying them and am glad I picked them up. (And who thought I’d say that about a Wonder Woman comic?!)

On the reading project front, I’m still working though the re-read of the Superman Family titles from the ’90s. I didn’t quite keep pace like I thought I would, so I didn’t start on either SUPERBOY AND THE RAVERS or SUPERGIRL (Vol. 4). Both books were a little farther down the pike than I thought. I might get to them in April. I’ve also decided to toss in the four-issue ERADICATOR mini-series, just for good measure, so I’ll get to that in the next month or so, as well.

March 8th, 2011  Posted at   News of Interest

I was guest-host on episode 14 of Charlie Niemeyer’s Superman in the Bronze Age podcast. In the episode, we discuss Superman comics from October 1971, which included SUPERMAN #243 and ACTION COMICS #405 (not to mention just one or two tangents!).

I had a lot of fun recording with Charlie, so be sure to check out not just that episode — but all of Charlie’s back episodes, as well.

And thanks again, Charlie, for having me on the show!

March 1st, 2011  Posted at   The Stack

So, this idea of keeping track of what I read may end up being pretty pointless if there are many more months like this one. I’m not sure what happened, but my reading time got cut way back in February, so this month’s list is considerably shorter than normal.

Here’s February:

Action Comics #896
Adventure Comics #522
All New Batman: Brave and the Bold #3
Brightest Day #17-18
Fallen Angel: Return of the Son #1
Flash (Vol. 3) #8
Green Lantern (Vol. 4) #61
Green Lantern Corps (Vol. 2) #56
Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors #6
Justice League of America/The 99 #3
R.E.B.E.L.S. #24
Steel Annual #2
Steel #18-20
Superboy (Vol. 3) #18-20
Superboy Annual (Vol. 2) #2
Supergirl (Vol. 5) #60
Superman #707
Superman/Batman #80
Tiny Titans #35-36
Young Justice (Vol. 2) #0

Total: 26 comics (Year total: 76 comics, 1 trade)

In February, I also continued reading through the BATMAN CHRONICLES Vol. 3 trade paperback. I’m nearly done with it, so, barring any calamities, it should be on next month’s list.

On the reading project front, I’m still working though the re-read of the Superman Family titles from the 90s. Assuming I keep pace in March, I’ll be starting on the earliest issues of SUPERBOY AND THE RAVERS and SUPERGIRL (Vol. 4) in March. I’m looking forward to starting on those SUPERGIRL issues again, and seeing if I enjoy them as much this time around.

The new books I read regularly will be shrinking it number soon. I’ve decided to drop FLASH, rather than invest in the whole “Flashpoint” event. That’s not commentary on the story… it sounds interesting. But it’s hard for me to justify spending the money on all the tie-ins and such, when I firmly believe shorter, stronger stories are what the industry needs. So, I’m walking away from it.

But moreover, it seems R.E.B.E.L.S. will come to an end with issue #28 in May. It should be no surprise to those who keep an eye on sales numbers. But, still, I was disappointed because it has been a consistently fun read for me month-in-and-out. And that says something coming from a guy who’s very picky about the comics he reads that don’t involve characters with ‘S’s on their chests. Unless something steps up to take its place, it will also mark the end of the DC’s loose “space epic,” which started all the way back in 2004 with ADAM STRANGE by Andy Diggle and Pascual Ferry.