February 28th, 2014  Posted at   Superman & Batman

Superman & BatmanWelcome to episode nine of SUPERMAN & BATMAN, featuring your two favorite heroes in one podcast together!

The show’s premise is simple: Each episode, host Michael Bradley celebrates seven decades of the World’s Finest heroes by looking at stories featuring the Man of Steel and the Dark Knight, chosen at random mostly from the pages of World’s Finest Comics.

This episode

“The Mystery of the Wax Men” (parts 2 and 3)

ORIGINAL AIRING: March 1 and 2, 1945

WHAT TO EXPECT: Superman and Batman team up (allegedly) for the first time in any medium.

ALSO FEATURING: A presentation of the actual radio episodes!

DOWNLOAD: Directly or via iTunes

Fine print

Subscribe to the show via iTunes or the RSS Feed! Got questions or comments? Additions or corrections? How about a story suggestion? Drop a line! Share your thoughts on the episode and the issue. Seriously, I want to hear from listeners. You also can connect with show on Facebook and Twitter to send feedback and get show updates!

Superman & Batman is a proud member of the Superman Podcast Network. And don’t forget to visit the Superman Homepage!

February 25th, 2014  Posted at   Superman & Batman

Superman & BatmanWelcome to episode eight of SUPERMAN & BATMAN, featuring your two favorite heroes in one podcast together!

The show’s premise is simple: Each episode, host Michael Bradley celebrates seven decades of the World’s Finest heroes by looking at stories featuring the Man of Steel and the Dark Knight, chosen at random mostly from the pages of World’s Finest Comics.

This episode

“… The Lurkers”

ORIGINAL PUBLICATION: World’s Finest Comics #248 (cover date December 1977-January 1978)

WHAT TO EXPECT: Superman and Batman must unravel a series of mysteries that have no reason to be connected but, of course, are.

ALSO FEATURING: Alfred Pennyworth, Morgan Edge and … Julie Madison?!

PLUS: A rundown of the book’s other features and a look at what else was on the stands!

DOWNLOAD: Directly or via iTunes

Fine print

Subscribe to the show via iTunes or the RSS Feed! Got questions or comments? Additions or corrections? How about a story suggestion? Drop a line! Share your thoughts on the episode and the issue. Seriously, I want to hear from listeners. You also can connect with show on Facebook and Twitter to send feedback and get show updates!

Superman & Batman is a proud member of the Superman Podcast Network. And don’t forget to visit the Superman Homepage!

February 18th, 2014  Posted at   Superman & Batman

Superman & BatmanWelcome to episode seven of SUPERMAN & BATMAN, featuring your two favorite heroes in one podcast together!

The show’s premise is simple: Each episode, host Michael Bradley celebrates seven decades of the World’s Finest heroes by looking at stories featuring the Man of Steel and the Dark Knight, chosen at random mostly from the pages of World’s Finest Comics.

This episode

“Whom Gods Would Destroy”

ORIGINAL PUBLICATION: World’s Finest Comics #254 (cover date December 1978-January 1979)

WHAT TO EXPECT: Superman and Batman — your two favorite heroes in one adventure together.

ALSO FEATURING: Sinestro, brain transplants and a gorilla!

PLUS: A rundown of the book’s other features and a look at what else was on the stands!

DOWNLOAD: Directly or via iTunes

Fine print

Subscribe to the show via iTunes or the RSS Feed! Got questions or comments? Additions or corrections? How about a story suggestion? Drop a line! Share your thoughts on the episode and the issue. Seriously, I want to hear from listeners. You also can connect with show on Facebook and Twitter to send feedback and get show updates!

Superman & Batman is a proud member of the Superman Podcast Network. And don’t forget to visit the Superman Homepage!

February 11th, 2014  Posted at   Superman & Batman

Superman & BatmanWelcome to episode six of SUPERMAN & BATMAN, featuring your two favorite heroes in one podcast together!

The show’s premise is simple: Each episode, host Michael Bradley celebrates seven decades of the World’s Finest heroes by looking at stories featuring the Man of Steel and the Dark Knight, chosen at random mostly from the pages of World’s Finest Comics.

This episode

“Superman & Robin!”

ORIGINAL PUBLICATION: World’s Finest Comics #75 (cover date March-April 1955)

WHAT TO EXPECT: Superman and Batman? No. Superman and Robin!

ALSO FEATURING: Poor detective skills and Commissioner Gordon (though not necessarily in that order)!

PLUS: A rundown of the book’s other features and a look at what else was on the stands!

DOWNLOAD: Directly or via iTunes

Bonus feature

This issue contain a “Supergram” brain-teaser. See if you can figure out the answers, which are in no way blatantly and obviously written at the bottom of the puzzle.


Fine print

Subscribe to the show via iTunes or the RSS Feed! Got questions or comments? Additions or corrections? How about a story suggestion? Drop a line! Share your thoughts on the episode and the issue. Seriously, I want to hear from listeners. You also can connect with show on Facebook and Twitter to send feedback and get show updates!

Superman & Batman is a proud member of the Superman Podcast Network. And don’t forget to visit the Superman Homepage!

February 4th, 2014  Posted at   Superman & Batman

Superman & BatmanWelcome to episode five of SUPERMAN & BATMAN, featuring your two favorite heroes in one podcast together!

The show’s premise is simple: Each episode, host Michael Bradley celebrates seven decades of the World’s Finest heroes by looking at stories featuring the Man of Steel and the Dark Knight, chosen at random mostly from the pages of World’s Finest Comics.

This episode

“Death Flaunts Its Golden Grin”

ORIGINAL PUBLICATION: World’s Finest Comics #227 (cover date January-February 1975)

WHAT TO EXPECT: Superman and Batman digging for gold!

ALSO FEATURING: The acrobat ghost-with-the-most, Deadman!

PLUS: A rundown of the book’s other features and a look at what else was on the stands!

DOWNLOAD: Directly or via iTunes

Fine print

Subscribe to the show via iTunes or the RSS Feed! Got questions or comments? Additions or corrections? How about a story suggestion? Drop a line! Share your thoughts on the episode and the issue. Seriously, I want to hear from listeners. You also can connect with show on Facebook and Twitter to send feedback and get show updates!

Superman & Batman is a proud member of the Superman Podcast Network. And don’t forget to visit the Superman Homepage!