Welcome to episode four of Green Lantern’s Light! Each episode, we look at the stories of Hal Jordan, John Stewart, Guy Gardner and the entire Green Lantern Corps, beginning with GREEN LANTERN #172 from 1983, hosted by Michael Bradley, Jeffrey Taylor and J. David Weter.
This time, the guys charge forward into 1984 with a look at GREEN LANTERN (Vol. 2) #178, 179 and 180! All around it’s a step up from last episode as the Demolition Team attacks and Hal must hold fast to his pledge to the Guardians… and then deal with the fallout. It’s a pivotal set of issues laying the groundwork for big changes that are right around the corner.
Next episode, we will be looking at GREEN LANTERN (Vol. 2) #181, 182 and 183. Aftermath! Fallout! Exclamation points!
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